When you provision a new server or VPS, there are a few steps you should take to make access to the server both secure and less painful.

1. Update the server

Update the server using the latest packages. On Ubuntu execute the following commands (as root):

apt-get update

2. Don’t login as root

The first time you login into your (new) server, you should use the root account for updating the server and creating a new user.

To create a new user called mynewuser use the following command.

adduser mynewuser

This will create a new home directory in /home/newuser

3. Grant sudo access to your user

Edit /etc/sudoers and add the following entry:

mynewuser  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

This allows your user to assume root privileges when executing the following command without being prompted for the user’s password:

sudo su - 

Important You can also restrict the commands that the user is allowed to execute (as root) if you want more restrictive access rights - see the sudoers man page for more information

4. Login without requiring a password

By creating an SSH keypair and uploading the public key to the remote server, you can allow for passwordless (and simpler) ssh access from your local machine. Let’s assume that your server’s hostname is myserver.mydomain.com

On your local machine, do the following and respond to the prompts:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C 'mynewuser@mydomain.com'

Important Specify a meaningful name like ../id_rsa_myremoteservername instead of the default filename ../id_rsa otherwise you might overwrite an existing key that you may be using already!

Copy the public key from your local machine to the remote server:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa_myremoteservername.pub | ssh mynewuser@myserver.mydomain.com "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Edit you local ~/.ssh/config file to add a new entry

Host mynewserver
HostName myserver.mydomain.com
User mynewuser    
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_myremoteservername

Now test login from your local machine using the following command:

ssh mynewuser@mynewserver

You should now be logged in without being prompted for a password. If you get any problems, try using the -T switch to show verbose logging like this

ssh -v mynewuser@mynewserver

5. Configure cron to send emails

If you have configured certain regular jobs using cron, then it can be very useful to ensure that you receive an email for important jobs like your backups just to ensure that these jobs are running successfuly.

There is more information on how to do this here.


Once you complete these steps, you should be able to login to your remote server from your local machine using a simple SSH command. If you require root access to perform some operation, just use the sudo su - command.

Following these steps should make managing your server both simpler and safer from a security perspective but if you’re really interested in hardening your security, please find a specific guide for doing so.

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