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Vitamin C: The Real Story

by Steve Hickey and Andrew Saul

BreathThis is the story of the simple compound vitamin C (or more correctly L-Ascorbic Acid) has been used by a small band of pioneering doctors and scientists to cure the supposedly incurable for more than half a century. The authors of this book are two scientists with first hand experience in the use of and the benefits of vitamin C treatments.

Although vitamin C treatments have been widely dismissed as wishful thinking by the mainstream medical community for decades, this book explains the human body’s need for vitamin C, how it is assimilated and works to both promote good health and how it can be used to treat illness very effectively with few if any side effects.

Although many of us take vitamin C in one form or another, the book explains that we most likely don’t take it in sufficiently high doses or frequently enough to realise its full benefit. This fact is borne out by repeated medical trials that show minimal effcacy against the common cold despite the fact that physicians and patients dosing sufficiently and frequently enough have been able to “cure” serious viral infections like Polio and lethal strains of Legionnaire’s disease.

The work of early pioneers of vitamin C research including Klenner, Cathcart and Stone is described and how they experimented to create protocols for treating illness using Vitamin C which is one of the safest substances known to man. This books explains how to dose vitamin C for maximum benefit and gives examples of the kinds of acute and chronic illnesses that can be treated including infection, heart disease and cancer.

The processes by which vitamin C are effective against disease is also explained and the information is backed by references to medical and research papers. In a world of diminishing antibiotic effectiveness, having a good understanding how how vitamin C works and how to dose correctly to treat acute illnesses might perhaps mean the difference between life and death in the future. A fascinating book. Highly recommended.